Throughout my adult life, I've had to face these things I can't control. Learning that fairness doesn't truly exist was, and is, a difficult and perpetual lesson. There are just some situations that are completely beyond any one's control. I've experienced it personally, and in the lives of others. I suppose we all have.
So how to deal with it. Probably the most prevalent advice I get is to trust that everything happens for a reason. I understand that idea, I do. And I get that for some this reasoning serves to motivate and encourage. For me, it doesn't do the trick. I have to reach that place where I come to just accept that this is the way things are. Nothing can change it. So, take steps to move forward and around if necessary, and put it behind me. No grand epiphanies, maybe some lessons learned but seldom so.
So "fair" does not exist. I don't believe it ever has. Life moves forward, and we are usually trapped somewhere between plan and react. And try as I might, I can't fix everything. It's not always about me (seldom is, actually), and all I can do is move forward or around, educate others in hopes they are better prepared, and support those in need that I cannot fix. It sucks. But it's the best I've got.